Save Our Dogs is a grassroots effort to spread the word about how mandatory spay/neuter laws harm working dogs. Most pet dog owners are not familiar with working dogs and so are not aware of the harm these laws do. We believe that people who understand the impact of these laws and who are aware of the successful alternatives will join us in opposing mandatory spay/neuter laws.
The primary message at Save Our Dogs is about working dogs. But our goal is not limited to saving working dogs. We will not seek or accept “exemptions” in mandatory spay/neuter laws to protect working dogs or any other subset of the dog and cat populations from mandatory spay/neuter. Save Our Dogs firmly believes that approach would play into the “divide and conquer” strategy of AR extremists. Exemptions earned today would be under attack in the near future, but with fewer allies to help in the fight. Save Our Dogs is committed to the outright defeat of all mandatory spay/neuter laws. We work in cooperation with groups and individuals committed to this goal throughout the dog and cat owning communities.
Thanks to Kiwi Kennels for letting us use a picture of their New Zealand Heading Dog “Smoke” as the Save Our Dogs web site logo.
The phrases “Keep your laws off my dog” and “Keep your laws off of my dog” are the copyrighted property of Save Our Dogs. Please ask permission if you want to use either.